Check out our blogs to understand aspects of community service, supported living, and more. We have curated this set of blogs to create awareness in the community. Contact us for more information, and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date.

Christmas Free For All
This year’s Christmas Free For All, hosted by TJ Swift House, was a true celebration of community and generosity. Every holiday season, the staff and friends of the agency come together to donate items they no longer need from their homes—anything from clothes to home...

Harvest Party 2023
The Harvest Party held on October 26th at the Farm was a huge success! TJ Swift House individuals and staff enjoyed a beautiful autumn day filled with laughter, games, and delicious fall treats. Dressed in their best western or farm attire, attendees got into the...

Autumn Days: A Heartwarming Tradition in Thomasville
Every fall, the small town of Thomasville comes together to celebrate its most anticipated event of the season: the Annual Autumn Days Festival. TJ Swift House, an organization dedicated to supporting individuals with disabilities, hosted the festival this year! It...

Chapel Services
Chapel Services at the Chapel in Thomasville have been our latest and greatest addition to TJ Swift House! We are so excited to be hosting chapel services throughout the year, as a way to get together, worship, and sing praise! This idea was born out of love for...

Honest Imagination: Alton
TJ Swift House is excited to announce the expansion of our day habilitation facility- Honest Imagination! We are so excited to now be operating in Alton! This is a wonderful addition to our existing arts facility in West Plains. Honest Imagination Alton will be...

Success Stories: Noah
Success stories are what we strive for at TJ Swift House. It is a driving force of our practices and ultimate goals as an agency. What is success? And what does that look like for individuals at our agency? Success is defined as the accomplishment of an aim or...

The Role of Community Support in Helping Mentally Disabled Individuals Lead Fulfilling Lives
What does support look like on a daily basis at TJ Swift House? On any given day, you’ll find our staff supporting our individuals, and staff supporting each other. Our agency operates as a unit, and supporting each other is how we successfully take care of our...

Tips for Caregivers of Mentally Disabled Individuals
At TJ Swift House we strongly believe in following our guiding principles every single day. Four of our most important principles stem from one common strategy: positive behavior support. Positive behavior support, also known as PBS, is a set of research-based...

The Benefits of Inclusive Hiring for Mentally Disabled Individuals
TJ Swift House believes in uplifting and encouraging our individuals to become integral members of the communities they live in. This is a fundamental piece of our mission statement, and something we strongly believe in. A central way in which our individuals can...

The Benefits of Recreational and Leisure Activities for Mentally Disabled Individuals
TJ Swift House is all about creating a fulfilling and inclusive life for the individuals we support. As described in our mission statement, we believe it is our duty to encourage our individuals to live a beautiful and productive life. One of the most beneficial ways...